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Biljana Jurukovski

Biljana Jurukovski (43) is a Macedonian Australian Award Winning Photographer who has been inspired and amazed by the diverse and beautiful expressions of different cultures. She enjoys traveling to remote destinations to learn about the cultures and traditions of indigenous people and to photograph them

Biljana’s portraits are a culmination of her passion, love, and respect for other cultures and traditions; they depict a graceful world where strength and pride are engraved on the faces of the people photographed. Her aim is through photography to create discussions about different cultures, their way of living and accepting life challenges. Biljana sees photography as a medium for communication between people.

Biljana’s photographs, especially from the Surma tribe in Ethiopia, have been featured internationally in many magazines, newspapers, websites including TheGuardian, Lens Magazine, Sydney Morning Herald, La Fotografia Magazine, EYSmagazine, Silvershootz Magazine, Dek Unu Magazine and many more.

She has won many Awards and her work has been shown in exhibitions in NewYork, Berlin, Barcelona, Macedonia, France

Biljana is self-taught photographer, holds a Masters of Health ServicesManagement from UWS and she still works as Executive Manager in the AgedCare Industry for a private Aged Care Provider in Sydney, Australia

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