We are thrilled to announce the Stories Award Recipients for 2021, Aletheia Casey, Michael Garbutt and Gloria Salgado Gispert.
When reflecting on this year’s Stories award recipients, we found meaning through introspection and connection to home. As we continue to find ways to adapt to an ever-changing world, we see our community exploring new approaches to telling stories.
When viewing the work presented to them, our committee considered not only the surface of the photograph, but the layering of the words and the ideas created through the narrative. We see this role not as judges critiquing your work but as peers who are searching for meaning.
This initiative would not be possible without the incredible people at Nikon Australia and Momento Pro. Both of whom are creating opportunities and making space for important dialogues in photography.
Our deepest congratulations and gratitude to the Aletheia, Michael and Gloria along with everyone who participated in Storis 2021.
The Stories Award Recipients along with the full Shortlist can be viewed on the Stories website.

Aletheia Casey’s project titled Where Does the Sky End and Space Begin? is an imaginative and poetic dialogue between what’s in front of us and what we yearn for.
Aletheia’s project explores themes of time, family, illness and longing while grounding us in the containment of isolation. Through the pairing of photographs, gestures and experimentation by manipulation and colour, we get a glimpse into Aletheia’s psyche.

Michael Garbutt’s series titled Far Kurnell is a conceptual and observational exploration into Australia’s colonial legacy. This quiet viewpoint of such an important subject, allows us to realise and recontextualise Australia’s history and consequently the way we relate to and understand this country.

Gloria Salgado Gispert’s project Show Me the Way Home shifts between the lived and dreamed, the real and the imagined. The series is sensory and symbolic. Exploring connection to country through the lens of immigration, Gispert’s body of work reads like a roadmap to discovering one’s place within a landscape that so many of us have chosen as our home.
Congratulations to the 2021 Shortlist
Aletheia Casey
Amy Woodward
Ashlea Caygill
Catherine Leedon
Cecilia Sordi Campos
Chanel Irvine
Dave Carswell
David Evans
David Wallin
Diego Fedele
Drew Hopper
Francesco Vicenzi
Gloria Salgado Gispert
Hilary Wardhaugh
Karoliina Kase
Katelyn Slyer
Katherine Williams
Kim Guthrie
Louise Coghill
Matthew Dunne
Matthew Newton
Matthew O’Donnell
Michael Garbutt
Nicholas Walton-Healey
Nick Hinch
Pearce Leal
Rowena Meadows
Shea Kirk
Tracey Nearmy
Trent Mitchell