Do you think that the first space colony created by mankind will happen during your lifetime? Technology has advanced so quickly over the past few years. In the overall scheme of things, we’re just a flash in the pan and yet we’ve done so much to change our planet. Humankind is leaving a profound legacy on Earth, exploiting its resources to turn it into the paradise that we want it to be or perhaps farewelling a paradise that we’ve already lost.
2021 ± II: Utopia Broadcasting encapsulates everything about human construction, sheer curiosity, consumerism, as well as the wonders and dangers associated with science. The overall aim of this project is to utilise existing structures within the Icelandic landscape to transport the viewer’s imagination to another world that exists outside of time. In doing so, the hope is to invoke conversation around themes of futurism and dreams for a better life amidst the darker side of human ideals.
According to research, parts of Earth might be uninhabitable by 2050. By the year 2500, our planet may be too hot to sustain life. It would be a world that is alien even to humans. Scientists are doing the best they can with climate model projections to predict what might be in store for humankind. Yet the more that we know, the more the world appears to be gripped by eco-anxiety.
This project offers the viewer an idealistic world in which humans could possibly thrive, as I believe that Utopian ideas don’t just give us a way to escape from reality. Alternative narratives can be a powerful means of enacting action and change.
The images in this series depict industrial architecture that help to sustain human life as we know it. In our battle for the survival of our species, the search for another planet to call home may only result in human beings relocating our cycle of destruction. Moreover, our pursuit of technological advancements and scientific discoveries means that questions of ethics will continue to arise.
Should we colonise other planets? Do we have the right to take over another world?