Madeline Simmons

Maddie is 13 years old, in year 7 at Narrabeen Sports Academy in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. She’s a creative spirit and a gifted athlete. Maddie loves photography, creative writing, drawing, and drama. “I love to see the beauty in things, and always have. I know there is a lot I still need to learn, but what is also important is what you choose to take the photo of and how you see. I believe everyone sees the world differently and when you take a photo, it should represent how you see it.”

Born in New York, Maddie moved to Sydney with her family when she was four. Her first love was dance, but sport quickly took over. She’s played rep soccer since she was 8 and is currently training daily as a State Rugby player and sprinter. Maddie comes from a family of professional artists and athletes, and has been drawn equally to be both. “I love how I can express my emotions through sport and art.”

For the past few years, Maddie has done NSW Drama Ensemble. Last year she created a short film about her time in lockdown titled “Silver Lining”.

Maddie has had the opportunity to model in several International kids fashion editorials, including MILK, Luna and Babiekins; she loves collaborating with a team and the whole creative process.  Kids Italian fashion magazine Scimparello featured her in an editorial “Song of Myself”.

During lockdown, her family had creative time, and she took her Mum’s camera out to explore sunrise at the beach. That’s when she took the images that were recognized in last years Australian Photography Awards.